Specializing in responsive web, desktop, and mobile app design

Microsoft Invoice

Redesigned invoicing system for Microsoft finance. User research was conducted, prototypes were built, and a consistent experience was crafted using the Fluent design language.

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Getty Images

As a senior product designer for Getty Images, I spent several years helping to improve experiences for customers, meet business objectives, and closely collaborate with many different disciplines.

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StoryLine News Publishing

Wireframing, Rapid Prototyping, Mobile

Mobile-first design for a news publishing application. Initial layout work done in Omnigraffle, then brought into Axure for interactivity.

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Information Architecture, UX, Visual Design

Design of category pages, feature enhancements, and back-to-front responsive overhaul.

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DNA Digital Reel

Assembled in After Effects to showcase capabilities of the DNA Seattle Digital department.

Benaroya Research

Information Architecture, UX, Visual Design

Conducted user research, created wireframes, and oversaw visual design

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Download Resume425-283-3231rrobinson@gmail.comRyan Robinson - LinkedIn